How Are You Handling The Complexities of Aging Clients ?

Attention Financial Advisors: How will you deal with the complexities of your aging clients’ needs, both financial and healthcare ?

Click here for the latest critical article, “The 7 Ways To Recognize Financial Elder Abuse.”Carolyn Rosenblatt

Elder financial abuse has become a very serious problem, one that the Wall Street Journal has called “the crime of the 21st century”. You need to understand how this happens and how to recognize the warning signs that should prompt you to take action for your clients’ financial safety.

If you are a professional who works in any field that requires that an older client make financial decisions, you need to get as much information about the nuances of aging decision making as you can. Our article series will keep you current with practical tips and relevant information so you can stand out in the crowd and be a true champion of your older clients.